Howard Saunders, Retail Futurist

Howard Saunders, Retail Futurist

Howard has worked as a retail strategist for just over thirty years, first as Creative Director of several London agencies including Fitch, and then as an independent consultant.

Over the last decade, based in New York and London, he has focussed on helping his clients better plan for the future. His current list of clients includes Johnson & Johnson, Hutchison Whampoa, Ikea, Magneto, Oracle, Telstra and Westfield. As an international speaker Howard’s talks are lively, jargon-free, visual journeys that explain where the fast-changing retail landscape is heading, and what it means for our cities, towns, high streets and, most importantly, our communities.

His latest book Brooklynization, published in November 2017, examines the retail revolution that’s regenerating the edgier parts of town.